Top Content Trends for 2022

    Top Content Trends for 2022 As we near the end of 2021, we have started to look towards 2022 and what this new year will bring. So, we’ve dusted off our crystal ball to look at which areas we predict will be key for content during the next year.
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    Eleanor Hanwell
    Eleanor Hanwell on 23 July 2024

    Looking Back at the 2021 Content Trends

    Looking Back at the 2021 Content Trends At the beginning of the year we looked into our crystal ball to predict the biggest trends. Now, we’re revisiting these predictions to look at where we got it right (and really wrong) and the BIG content trends that we didn’t predict!
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    Eleanor Hanwell
    Eleanor Hanwell on 23 July 2024

    5 Reasons To Use Video For Your Employee Events

    5 Reasons To Use Video For Your Employee Events Whatever the size of your business, there will be events in your company calendar. Whether it’s important internal team calls, or a social Christmas party to celebrate employee achievements throughout the year, these events will generate an...
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    Rachael Buchanan-Hughes
    Rachael Buchanan-Hughes on 23 July 2024

    VR, AR, XR and MR – how you should take advantage of immersive tech

    VR, AR, XR and MR – how you should be taking advantage of immersive tech If you’ve ever used a filter that alters your face, played Pokémon GO, or tried out how a product would look in your home or on your body, you’ve experienced Virtual Reality (VR).
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    Eleanor Hanwell
    Eleanor Hanwell on 23 July 2024
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