
5 Ways to Use Video to Increase Employee Engagement

Written by Eleanor Hanwell | Oct 8, 2021 8:00:00 AM

5 Ways to Use Video to Increase Employee Engagement

Whether you are a small, medium, or large company, your employees are your life blood and it’s important to ensure that they are engaged with your company and ethos. There are many ways to communicate with your team to ensure that they receive the same message. Company handbooks, memos, intranet or face-to-face announcements, and email can all be great options. However, the more complex the messaging (hello company handbook!) the more likely it is to be missed, skimmed, or ignored.

Video is a great way to communicate internally to make sure that all your team receive the same message and yet remain engaged. With the ability to re-shoot and re-edit you can make sure any video content you produce is as short and engaging as possible. In this blog we’re going to look at 5 ways that you can use video to increase your employee engagement.


1 – During Employee Onboarding

Let’s start at the beginning, at the point your employees join your company. Onboarding is essential to help new hires feel welcome and when it’s done right it can help with staff retention and job satisfaction. In fact, organisations with a strong onboarding process improve new hire retention by 82% and productivity by over 70%. Switching to use videos for part or all your onboarding process can be more efficient and effective for your team.

By using video for onboarding, you can ensure every new employee gets a consistent experience, without other staff members having to say the same thing repeatedly. This style of content can also be more accessible as you can utilise subtitles, captions, and audio descriptions to cater for different disabilities.

Using video content can also reduce the cost of onboarding to business as other staff will spend less time delivering onboarding and being away from their day job. Read our 5 Reasons to Use Video for Employee Onboarding blog to learn more.


2 – To Deliver Training

Chances are your company need to provide training on specific systems as well as job specific and whole company training, such as health & safety. Training and staff development is another area where consistency is key and video content can be a great option.

Systems training is a particular area where using video can be more efficient. By creating simple training guides to your systems and platforms not only can you support new users, but you also provide support for those already trained on the system or who might need a refresher.

Whole company training is another place where investing in video might save you time and money compared to running multiple face-to-face sessions. With 85% of every dollar spent on training going on the delivery, switching to video can be a smart move.

You don’t necessarily need to produce training videos yourself; a lot of technical platforms and services provide video support to train users and there are many training providers available who provide on-demand video learning, which can give your team access to autonomous learning, whilst providing you with data on who has passed specific modules.

Need more convincing? Read our 5 Reasons to Use Video for Internal Training blog to learn more.


3 – For Internal Meetings

Before the pandemic chances are that many of your internal meetings consisted of getting the relevant people together in one room. Now many of us have embraced online meeting tools such as Zoom, Google Hangouts and Microsoft Teams.

For businesses who have multiple locations, remote workers or flexi-working, online meetings are here to stay and so they should, as using video has multiple benefits. If you use Google Calendars, then tools like Google Hangouts make it easy to add an online option in a single click. Plus, systems like Zoom you can record your meetings for future use.

Utilising video for meetings can also support team members with disabilities, as tools like Microsoft Teams provide services such as live captioning.


4 – For Whole Company Communications

Some messages are sensitive and need to be delivered to all staff at the same time. From structural changes within the company to exciting news such as acquisitions, whether because of size or due to multiple locations, it can be difficult to communicate to all staff at the same time.

That’s where video content comes in! Whether you take the approach of live streaming an announcement or pre-recording a video and sharing via email – using video can mean your entire team can watch your content and be updated at the same time.

Creating video content like this can be as complex or simple as you like. From working with a production company (like us) to produce pre-recorded and edited video to simply using a service like Google Hangouts, Microsoft Teams or Zoom to stream to all staff, it’s really about the best option for your needs.


5 – To Record and Capture Memories

With so much of our time being spent at work, we often meet lifelong friends and even partners through our employment. Social occasions can be an important part of a company culture and are worth capturing.

Whether it’s annual celebrations, staff birthdays, anniversaries or an after work get together, these events are essential for helping teams’ gel and get to know each other. Capturing occasions like these via video can be a great way for your team to revisit positive memories they have of their time at your company.

This type of footage can also be a great starting point for creating videos to showcase your company culture that can then be used as part of the recruitment process.


Get Started with Internal Videos

Video is a crucial way to engage with your employees. If you are now fired up with ways that you can use video content internally, it’s time to get started!

Click on the link below to book a call with one of our expert team to discuss your next video project.