Eleanor Hanwell

    Eleanor Hanwell

    Recent Posts

    5 Reasons to Use Video for Employee Onboarding

    5 Reasons to Use Video for Employee Onboarding Onboarding is an essential step to helping new hires feel welcome at your company. A good employee onboarding can help with staff retention and job satisfaction. In fact, organisations with a strong onboarding process improve new hire retention by 82%...
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    Eleanor Hanwell
    Eleanor Hanwell on 23 July 2024

    5 Reasons to Use Video for Internal Training

    5 Reasons to Use Video for Internal Training You want to make sure your team is the best at what they do. Training and development are a great way to make sure they are, but it can be expensive. From job specific to whole company training, using video to support staff development could help you to...
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    Eleanor Hanwell
    Eleanor Hanwell on 23 July 2024

    5 Ways to Supercharge your Marketing with Animation

    5 Ways to Supercharge your Marketing with Animation
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    Eleanor Hanwell
    Eleanor Hanwell on 23 July 2024

    5 Reasons to Use Video in Your Marketing

    Video is an increasingly popular medium and it’s estimated that the average person will have spent 100 minutes every day watching online videos during 2021. A staggering 85% of businesses use video as a marketing tool and in this blog we investigate some of the reasons you should be considering...
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    Eleanor Hanwell
    Eleanor Hanwell on 23 July 2024
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